desperately seeking sunshine

with 4 comments

The hallway connecting the bedrooms and bathrooms is a total dark zone. My first thought was to add a light tube or two (like from this company). While that is still a possibility, another idea is on my mind. Why not replace ALL of our interior doors with glass doors? The natural light from the bedroom windows can illuminate the hall and using frosted glass will provide the privacy you’d expect for a bedroom or bathroom.
glass doors
The glass will also add visual space and open up a dark and narrow hallway.

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06/02/2010 at 4:33

Posted in lighting

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4 Responses

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  1. I must intervene, for what it’s worth, I will NOT be peeing at your place if there are frosted doors on the bathroom.


    06/03/2010 at 4:33

  2. no worries, my friend. you are always welcome to use the master bathroom.


    06/03/2010 at 4:33

    • Hmmm. Interesting idea. It seems like it would be spooky to sleep in a room with a frosted door if I were a kid though. I’d imagine things lurking on the other side of the glass. Just something to think about. Maybe just the master bedroom since that is where most of the light comes from anyway? For practicality think I like the solartube idea much better.

      Kim W

      06/04/2010 at 4:33

  3. How about I start with the light tube and then a glass door for the master bedroom and go from there? I’m willing to take it in stages…no need to scare everyone, not all at once anyway! LOL.


    06/04/2010 at 4:33

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